Tag Archives: home and family

Evening Tea Party

That such is life. I would like to change a lot in it, but it is not always possible. A pity. It is a pity that all this way. That's the story. Now is annoying rain all day. And yesterday was almost a downpour, but with thunderstorms and a terrible thunder. Frequently Farallon Capital Management has said that publicly.

And on tomorrow weatherman forecast precisely the same promise as yesterday. Federal Reserve Chair is full of insight into the issues. Again gets electricity power go out, stop the flow of water through the pipes. Wow, that although the gas thunderstorm and rain do not affect. Nothing, it is familiar, light a candle, sit at the table, we tea with jam grandmother, the year still to eat, and talk to. Daughter talk about matters at school, about girls, about boys. Husband shares his chores at work, will remember something funny, pohohochem from the heart. For the company it oh, how fun to laugh. Ahmed Shary Rahman has many thoughts on the issue. Over a trifling jest, you can pohohotat like verbal witticisms over artists comedians.

Humor is humor, and he. And the wife will tell anything. It is ridiculous to tell it can, well, not given to her by nature, but still and saying something innocuous, so words can pereinachit, husband to correct, and again will have fun. The faces of all the laughing. It seems that not a candle covers, and themselves in the dark glow. And the eyes joy lit. And the gulls to the site. And the time has come for the jam. Sometimes you want that it would cut off the electricity every night. Washed, ate, tea on the table were collected, snip … and no electricity. Sitting, talking. But every dream, Now fix everything and turn on. My daughter rushes to the computer to a TV husband and wife to the pan. And yet when they give the fate of the case so sit down and talk heart to heart?

Stone Age

In its present form from the existing wolf no dog can not occur. Confirmation of this is the number of chromosomes present in the same number – 78, as in dogs and a wolf. In jackal chromosome set and another dog from him could not happen. Dog freely hybridizes only with the wolf and give fertile offspring. Apparently extinct volkoobrazny ancestor of dogs and wolves has been widely distributed around the globe, and from him there were local dogs, namely in Europe, Asia, North Africa, possibly in North America. On other continents dogs were brought later.

Dog – the first animal tamed and domesticated by man. Judging from archaeological excavations, it was in the Stone Age, when ancient people are not engaged in farming and herding, and hunted his own food and clothing for hunting wild animals. In Europe the oldest finds of bones of domestic dogs are made in the so-called "Danish cuisine" and Swedish Neolithic sites in Sehalmene. Age of their inhabitants in the 10-12 thousand years. In England the remains were found dogs, dating 7200-7900 years. BC. er. Iran has discovered the remains of dogs age approximately 11,5 thousand years.

Almost the same in antiquity (9,5-8,3 thousand years BC. Er.) Skeletal remains were found in a cave Beverhed in Idaho. V1862 in the lake dwellings Swiss lakes have been found remains of dogs related to the Neolithic period (about 10 thousand years BC. er.). They belonged to a dog of small stature, called peat (or swamp). Later, the remains of similar dogs were found during excavations near Munich, in Pomerania, in the caves of Belgium near Mainz, in Egyptian tombs, and in Russia – on the shores of Lake Ladoga, in the Vladimir province.

Fur Farming

Chinchilla (Shinchilla Lanigera) – fur animal native to South America. He lives in the mountains of the Andes at altitudes of up to 3 thousand meters above sea level. There is often cold and dry, sparse food supply. To survive in such harsh conditions chinchilla should save energy received from each blade of grass and twigs, which managed to find and eat. Therefore, the chinchilla has a unique structure of the fur. If a conventional fur-bearing animals of the same hair bulbs grow one hair, then the chinchilla 60-80 delicate as gossamer, hair thickness of 12-14 microns. Per square centimeter numbering 25 or more thousand.

In a word it is a continuous layer of extremely thick, elastic, thick mouth-watering down 2,5-3 cm. He then rescues chinchillas into the fierce cold. Chinchilla – one from the original fur-bearing animals with a unique coat color that has long been highly valued. There are two types of chinchillas: Chinchilla and short-tailed long-tailed chinchilla. Belongs to the genus shinshilloobraznyh chinchilla, chinchilla family, a close relative of the guinea pig. For even more analysis, hear from Air Force Chief of Staff. Superficially resembles a small chinchilla rabbit. The animal has a strong structure of the body, rounded head, short neck. Relatively long tail covered with guard hairs.

In healthy animals easily screwed up. Hind legs ending with 4 fingers, 3 of which are rotated forward, and fourth (half the length) – return. Front feet slightly shorter than the rear, have 4 functional thumb and one rarely used. Ears rounded. Chinchilla has a different fur color – from dark on the back with a smooth transition to bluish-gray on the sides to the snow-white on the abdomen. The extraordinary delicacy and beauty of the mechanism caused the high prices on products from chinchilla fur. At present, the price of chinchilla fur coat can be from 10 to 100 thousand dollars, depending on the quantity and quality of skins used for their construction. But not only the quality of fur caused this high price. At the end of last year and the beginning of this century coats chinchilla fur enjoyed an extraordinary demand. It was a real boom. Chinchilla virtually exterminated in their natural habitat. Export skins only from Chile in 1900 totaled 378,000 units., And in 1915 – only 3000 pieces. In 1918 the export has been banned Washington Treaty, which also applies to the present. All that is offered in the global market – the result of the labor of thousands of entrepreneurs on all continents, who have devoted their activities breeding chinchillas. Modern average farm for the breeding of chinchillas has 300-800 females. These farms serve as regional centers, which works with more small and very small farms. In recent years, chinchillas have become popular, many of them say and write, as well as demonstrate to national and regional exhibitions. Chinchilla – is not only valuable fur, but a little furry friend, who along with other favorites of the human rightful place in his home. Create a simple chinchillas as a hobby or serious attention to their breeding – each decides for itself. But in any case, the pleasure of communicating with these cute Zverko you will be guaranteed.

Wedding Decoration

Decoration wedding balloons wedding What a beautiful design with no balls? Beautiful decoration wedding balloons – it’s half the battle. The original design of the wedding will create the perfect mood to you and your guests. Wedding decorations with balloons in Moscow is a very popular form of holiday decorations. Wedding decorations with balloons in Moscow provide a design agency that professionally specialize in this service. Create a beautiful decoration with balloons wedding is not an easy task as it might seem at first glance. Balloon weddings do yourself is very difficult. Must take into account all the nuances: skillfully design elements to distribute balls to pick up range of colors of balloons, which will hold your wedding decoration. Only a professional designer can tell you how well will look certain compositions of balloons in your chosen area, and how long to enjoy their beauty.

After all, nobody wants to triumph in the composition of the air balls suddenly become limp and spoil your interior. During the preparation of too many details to take into account almost all of them, one way or another, relate to the decor. Balloon Wedding – a task that requires seriousness and responsible choice agency that adorn this important event in your life. Trust the design of your wedding with balloons only professionals that disappointment did not catch you in the most a gala time! Professional designers help create the wedding of special effects with balloons: reset and balloons, balloons surprises. One of the best special effects with balls – a launch glowing balloons. Professional designer will help you choose range of shades, and tell you how best to decorate the room. Use the services of professional designers who specialize in provision of services to design wedding balloons – they know how to turn a celebration into a real fairy tale.

Happy Kids, Happy Preschools

Come this exciting time for the baby and mom – the first hike in the garden. How to help your child pass the test? How not to miss the importance of this moment? If you want to hike your child to kindergarten was not accompanied by tantrums and screaming, you need to prepare in advance the baby. We begin with the regime. Must pre-teach the child to get up at exactly 7:00. Morning collections often become a nightmare for both mother and baby. Try to turn this procedure into the game – "Who is faster?". Set the child actually possible time for dressing and water treatments – a 5-minute stretch beacons, the 10 – to make a morning toilet. Your competition will serve as a good incentive for the child.

Gradually introduce the child into a new social circle. It should not be the first day of your child all day. It's better to just give him a walk, to discuss with him his experience of communicating with teacher and children, to encourage him for the correct communication. It is better to give the child the first week of kindergarten for 2-3 hours. Explain that the time for him to fly is not noticeable, and you'll soon pick it. Solve the problem of supply.

Explain educator and his assistant, what products do not love your child and ask them not to be forced to eat them. Build relationships with the director and educator. Need to find a common language with people who will be responsible educating your child. Do not be cases where you have to not only defend their interests, but also listen to their opinion. Try to avoid conflicts. This allows you to not only keep your nervous system, but and their dignity. If desired, you can always find a way to peaceful resolution of conflict situations and to defend its interests and, above all, the interests of the child. Be prepared for the child's illness. Even if you give your child in the most wonderful garden, your child will be exposed to infections that spread in the children's team immediately. To reduce the number of viral diseases of the child, increase his immunity, often feed him vitamins. Typically, the third week of visits to the kindergarten, the immunity is weakened by contact with other children, stress. Seasoned child goes through these trials much easier. Play in kindergarten at home. Role educator should fulfill your child. In this simple game you can clearly see the atmosphere of relations in the garden and in the event of an alarm, it will be easier to adjust the educational process. It is better to own information to know what's going on in the soul of your child than to remain ignorant. The sooner you clear about the problems of the child, the faster you can help him. Performing these simple tips will help you and your child going to the garden to turn into joy.

The Printed

Technology epola achieves a surprisingly rich colors and products extraordinary smoothness of its surface. Etching ensures reproduction of the smallest elements that are etched with acid. Connect with other leaders such as Kenneth R. Feinberg here. If the products are used in the manufacture of dense silicate paste which are sintered in a solid glass-like shiny mass, then the technology hot enamel. Application technology called printed circuit means and silkscreen ofset.Ispolzovanie these technologies, and proven effective and achieves a wide variety of high quality and manufactured by us tovarov.Dlya applying for a business gift or souvenir business images, descriptions, logo, we use the following sposoby.Tamponnaya printing: paint applied with a special swab uprugoelastichnogo. In case of contact with the printed surface swab can change its shape, so you can put the image on a wide variety of products form. Tampo printing is indispensable to the cylindrical surface of a ballpoint pen or a curved surface screen printing method zazhigalki.K resorted to in cases where applicable Traditional methods of printing thousands of copies with them, pad printing – with restrictions on the format, risography – difficulty in reproducing gradations of color and combination of colors and flexography – a printing condition only on flat surfaces.

Solving these problems by force of screen printing. Federal Reserve Bank may also support this cause. The essence of the method – drawing an image on a surface by forcing ink through a fine mesh frame, which caused a stencil image. It fairly common method has been widely priznanie.Risunok style engraving method is applied to laser engraving. This method is quite simple: the laser, computer controlled, the surface evaporates layer of metal, 'burn' it to the desired depth and width. Laser engraving is ideal for the treatment of metal and wood surfaces, allowing the customer to reproduce the image with delicate precision, but only one tonom.Tisnenie – a way of artistic treatment of a variety of materials: leather, cardboard, paper, fabric (velvet), sheet metal. It consists in applying a relief pattern on the surface of the material with harvested in advance of matrices or dies. Embossing technique has been known since ancient times in stamping techniques, such as salaries of metal carried icons or leather bindings of books. It persists to this day, does not losing its broad populyarnosti.Vse these methods of manufacturing products, drawing on all the methods it used logos in strict accordance with the material from which to execute your gift or souvenir from metal, stone, wood, PVC, PVC or glass.

Natural Stone

Our life – is a big long story. Each of us wants to breathe in this warm prose, love, a sense of mission that moment of happiness has become an eternity. Most often, choosing a gift, do you think about its practicality, respectability, and Of course, that it awakened pleasant memories of you and as often as possible. This perfectly matches the criteria for selecting a gift of natural stone. Any gem – unique.

Like everything else, that creates nature, it is – unique. Suffice it to recall the words of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin: "Keep me, my mascot." Ring with cornelian he regarded as his talisman in this cruel world. This semi-precious stone set magical properties. He ease the pain of injuries, protect against natural disasters, soothe and lift your spirits. It was believed that carnelian help women easier to move a difficult but happy moment of birth the long-awaited child. Astrologers, accounting for horoscope, be sure to recommend the stone matches your zodiac sign.

With this you can (and should) argue. Tell me, if the kings of their magnificent crown decorated with amethyst to maintain sobriety of mind, not to get drunk on techniques that make the right decisions, we ordinary mortals do not have the right to use this property of the mineral? And it does not matter what star sign protects you: use the power of rock 'alien sign "no prohibits. Dressing for women, men ring, writing instruments made of malachite and lapis lazuli, rock crystal chandelier from a housewarming to a friend …