
Megaloblastic anemia a blood deficiency involving the production of erythroblasts in the bloodstream is known as megaloblastic anemia. It originated in an underlying deficiency, megaloblastic anemia, also known as anemia of folate deficiency or pernicious anemia depending on the cause of the deficiency, can cause a variety of symptoms and increase risk in the individual develop serious complications. The treatment of megaloblastic anemia usually consists of determining the origin of the deficiency supplements given to compensate the existing deficit. The erythroblasts play a key role in the formation of red blood cells and are used in the process of synthesis of hemoglobin. When there is a deficiency, which negatively affects the formation of red blood cells, known as megaloblasts abnormally large erythroblasts develop. As a result of its slow development, the megaloblasts not multiply fast enough to compensate for the decrease of their numbers. A fragile structure megaloblastic makes them susceptible to rupture leaving the individual with lack of red blood cells. People with megaloblastic anemia usually suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid.

In pernicious anemia, there is insufficient production of protein known as an intrinsic factor in the stomach. The lack of this intrinsic factor inhibits the stomach’s ability to absorb vitamin B12, which affects the production of red blood cells. As a further result of this deficiency, occur increases megaloblasts, giving rise to the development of pernicious anemia. Research has found that acid folic or folate deficiency contributes to the development of megaloblasts since its presence is necessary to promote the proper formation and maturation of red blood cells. Among the secondary or underlying conditions, are the environmental factors that have been known to contribute to the development of anemia due to Folate deficiency. People with disorders Leukemia or bone, such as Myelofibrosis, they may develop megaloblastic anemia. Regular use of certain drugs, such as barbiturates, phenytoin, and alcohol, can also contribute to the development of this type of anemia.