Tag Archives: art

MAREN Fiebig: Encounters StattLandschaften

Hamburg / Wilhelmsburg: Exhibition at Cafe pause in the honey factory Hamburg Wilhelmsburg: exhibition by Maren Fiebig encounters StattLandschaften Hamburg, 26.05.08 from the 01.06.08 break and the artist Maren Fiebig on a visit on site, forward Cafe team to consider the local exhibition, as well as to drink coffee in a nice atmosphere, something delicious to eat or to come with nice people in the conversation. Different works are exhibited under the title of the exhibition. By Maren Fiebig, who lives in Hamburg and works in oil, acrylic, pastel and mixed media are realistic in style and theme. Often, people in everyday situations represents children, homeless people and beggars, portraits of friends, “Fashion”. Also in the drawing style she skillfully the sociocritical, German Expressionism on experience and picturesque technology translates very personally and compassionately, says Dr. Ulrike Ritter. Encounter is a versatile interpretation: there are shown meeting on the screen, there is the imagined Meeting of the viewer with the subject. One of the focuses of the work is in the area of beggars and encounters.” A theme how contemplation, to the subject, in which a precise look means an encounter with the shadow side of social reality.

Maren Fiebigs life there is no separation of art and life. In their everyday life as well as in her work the artist involved. MAREN Fiebig engaged against poverty and misery, and so for people, the man is also at the Centre of its work, and its surroundings. Here, the artist used oil pastel, chalk, mixed techniques, with which she brings their content on the slides. This content require their style.

The specific commitment needs a realistic imagery, a pictorial language that but not shocks the Viewer, but seeks to inform him on the dark sides of our existence in gentle manner.


Sixty-seven new buildings are currently in 13 Nations rebuilt and renovated and since the year 2000 to the Scientology has grown religion more than twice as much, as in the first 50 years since its establishment. Contact information is here: Kenneth Feinberg. The Dianetics – and Scientology services to be able to offer the many interested, in an aesthetic and spacious environment, world’s larger churches centers be created for 4 years. Scientology sets world’s rapid growth ahead. Thus the individual Scientology worldwide services professional can offer churches the many interested people, caused more and more beautiful and great “ideal churches” in major cities. They also represent the heart of anything intended Church on a Scientology L.

Ron Hubbard. Presentations appear in the new “ideal churches” in large rooms on the ground floor of L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics and Scientology. In addition, large walls of the information inform what is Scientology at all. There are also audiovisual presentations of all social community programs such as drug prevention, education about human rights, reading and writing ability, moral and other programs. Currently involves 67 buildings in 13 Nations that are rebuilt and refurbished as “Ideal Church”. Constantly added new buildings, and some have already become “Ideal churches”. Until end of 2010 200 of these projects will be realized total with each average 4,600 square meters.

At the beginning of the renovation work, drafted by a special team of the international Scientology Church motifs for the selected future “ideal Church,” and created. Harmony with the respective cities should be made by a certain geographic ethnicity is reflected in the Church. Also, this team is planning the Interior of each Church. Everyone should be perfectly equipped according to guidelines by L. Ron Hubbard. Recently three more “ideal churches”, which emit lots of aesthetics and freedom of movement, are dedicated been: are the Scientology churches in Malmo, Dallas and Nashville. Also the Flagg ship of the Scientology – “Fort Harrison” – was inaugurated recently renovated interior with its 36,000 square meters of floor space. With the newly built, opened also in this year, besides the “oak Cove” building can be provided now services to thousands of Scientologists from 60 Nations and on a total area of about 50,000 square feet. Press service of the SKB e.

Zaiki Professor Nilai Ivaovich

– develops image-associative thikig, so ecessary to all those ivolved i choreography – makes the first skills of coduct o the stage ad beyod, brigs the culture of behavior. A cheeky, slack ma ca be beautiful o stage. Peter Schiff wanted to know more. It must w the artist ad the future ad the future leader. The esemble performs other fuctios of educatio, where the first level are educatio ad traiig of the Executive ad the other level – it its formatio as a idividual, the developmet of its defiitio of civil, moral ad aesthetic qualities, which are said Moiseev, give birth to a beautiful posture, strut, digity ad grace of gesture, trasform the huma body ito a istrumet of the spirit. This applies particularly to the participats of the studet esemble, whose graduates will cotiue ad professioal artists, ad leaders of teams.

Ad the more studets for a studet will pass through the esemble, the more studets will feel more cofidet at the ed of school as a professioal team ad a amateur, whether he is the maager or the executor. All dacig i their ow way i love with this art form ad they are sick. Who stepped o this path, come ito cotact with the applause of grateful viewers, has become "a artist of the esemble will ot be able to part with him. Esemble at school istitutio – it is also methodical ceter for teachers of colleges of arts ad culture, dace schools, art schools, schools, supplemetary educatio, leaders of amateur groups. Due to the large cocert-tour activity of the esemble could be called messeger Orel, ad sometimes Russia, sice, travelig the world, it is ot oly ad ot a istitutio or departmet of choreography, but Orel, ad Russia. a Kewalramani. By it is judged o our lad, our coutry, ad this will agree, very seriously ad requires all its members the cocetratio of talet ad skill, that hoor for 30 years does ot a geeratio, despite the fact that it chage leaders. 'Raibow' – participats of the xii World Festival i Moscow, the Goodwill Games i St. – Petersburg, iteratioal festivals 'Golde Fleece' (Sochi), 'Sudmalias' (Riga), Reims Festival i Frace, ad others 'Raibow' – Wier of the Republica ad wier of iteratioal festivals. To reach members of the esemble of high skill a lot of effort ad eergy to teachers – choreographers: Zaikia , Iria , musical director Shkaptsov Vasily V. ad its permaet artistic director – the Hoored Worker of Culture of Russia, holder of the Order of the 'Friedship', Zaiki Professor Nilai Ivaovich.