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Trans Fats Oil

What? Trans fats, are solid fats that are made by chemical manipulation of the liquid, changing their formula. A related site: William Gates mentions similar findings. In other words, all kinds of margarines derived from vegetable oils. Trans fats on product labels sometimes referred to as 'cooking oil', but that their essence remains unchanged: they do not have any useful properties and are garbage violating activity of human body. Where? Products containing trans fats, the vast number. In addition to margarine, processed oil is added to the confectionery and pastry products, in baked goods, mayonnaise, fast food and frozen foods.

What is bad? Trans fats are actively promoting the growth of the cholesterol level in blood, because of what appears in the vessels of plaques that hamper blood flow. This can lead to early sclerosis and heart failure. But do not think that absolutely all fats are harmful and destructive. Fat is one of the components balanced diet, without which it would not be digested proteins and carbohydrates, as well as without which your hair will become weak and split ends and dull skin. Healthy fats contained in nuts, seeds and sunflower oil, olives and olive oil, avocados and fish.

Obesity And Hormones

Number and distribution of adipose tissue in the body, usually has a pronounced hereditary and sexual nature: Women adipose tissue is deposited mainly in the areas of the belt of the lower extremities (buttocks and thighs), neck and hands; The men domains typical of obesity are the abdomen and back waist. With extremely obese or hormonal disorders, these features can be unobtrusive in nature. The percentage of adipose tissue often varies significantly with age, most people in middle age, one way or otherwise, tends to completeness. At the same time, throughout life there is a decline of motor activity and slowing metabolism. Themselves fat, too much complicated by the movement. Therefore, people suffering various forms of obesity, it is recommended to increase the overall level of motor activity.

In addition to general trends in obesity and has called its clinical form, this form of obesity caused by abnormalities of exchange substances, as a rule, carbohydrate and fat, as well as hormonal disorders (diabetes, thyroid disease, lack of testosterone in men, etc.). Treatment of severe metabolic abnormalities should be engaged only under the supervision of a physician or a qualified nutritionist, although the possession of knowledge in this area will not prevent or anyone. There are also non-hormonal forms of serious metabolic disorders associated with inability to engage reserves of adipose tissue, an important source of energy in the energy metabolism. The most important factor in the mobilization of fat body is the substance L-carnitine. L-Carnitine is a natural vitamin-like substance, is constantly present in the body.