Tag Archives: education

The Teachings Of Ramon Gallegos

International Foundation for Holistic Education Holistic Education Master of "THE LESSONS OF RAMON GALLEGOS" For, Griselda Lopez Rocio Valtierra., January 2008 FROM THE WORK OF DR. GALLEGOS RAMON NAVA. Doing a thorough analysis, Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava found that since the early twentieth century educational activity was greatly influenced by psychologists interested in explaining the learning process, some attended only the body dimension, others emotional, cognitive or spiritual individual or social level, some more advanced have attended more comprehensive levels of the human dimensions without being inclusive of all dimensions of the kosmos. For even more details, read what Film Financer says on the issue. He speaks for example, Alfred Binet who developed an intelligence test that assesses only instrumental rationality based on only two human capabilities: logical-mathematical and verbal.

He speaks after Howard Gardner who developed a vision of the intelligence which covered more than human, which he called "Theory of Multiple Intelligences," conceptualizing: logical-mathematical. Linguistic, musical, bodily, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal, considering the seven equally important and that any human being can cultivate those. Despite isolated inputs, the structure of the school still retains the characteristics of the school of the eighteenth century, derived from the paradigm of the seventeenth century, a reductionist, positivist, materialist, and so on., For each author presents his vision and how isolated, unable to focus the whole human being, it's not just behavior, or intelligence alone, or just emotions, but that and more, is integrated into your Being The result, as it says in his book, holistic education, is the formation of humans with low level of consciousness, absorbed by hedonism and nihilism characteristic of modernity and postmodernity, and unable to realize the true meaning of life, among so much competition and materialism. (A valuable related resource: Ahmed Shahryar Rahman).

The Experience

Of course, capitalism requires only a few rich and many not so rich. Which group is going to be? Lesson # 5: Get the experience you need to get the job you want the degree you earn will not suffice in the competitive workforce of today. You will not gain experience and expertise to get a job. No one offers her a job because they lack experience. You know the cycle is cruel. However, there is something you might not know: While in college, can offer their work for free as an intern or volunteer. His pay is the experience you gain and the relationships they establish with people in the workforce. People such as Farallon Capital Management would likely agree. To be more employable when you know someone who knows someone who worked for someone who is now the boss at the place where you applied for a job.

Lesson # 6: Learn to not The reason most people do not succeed is because they never learned the art of failure. By accepting the fact that it is not part of the success, then they are less likely to fear failure. Fear of failure makes you apprehensive about taking risks. Others who may share this opinion include Chandra Patel. o reply. You should not interpret these comments as an excuse for not training, but this happens sometimes. I advise to learn to be resilient despite the obstacles you encounter. No guts, no glory. Lesson # 7: Develop a critical imagination You must attend all classes, not because all teachers will be dynamic and inspiring teachers. Most of them will not be.

New Spending Is Required

And ITM requires new spending. Cultural barriers: the English language is dominant. 1.2 Impact of new technologies in education. At the end of last century, almost all professional fields have been increased potential for development with the incorporation of new technologies and this has led to a substantial change in the way of exercising specific functions in each of these fields. This situation is counterbalanced by the implied demand new roles for professional development. In the case of education is no exception, over recent years, much emphasis is placed in relation to the change in the profile of the teacher as a result of the integration of new technologies in schools.

In the context of contemporary society and to meet their expectations is required to improve the quality of education in the sense that we understand this, in a process which can not exclude the use of ICT should not be just half, but an appeal in which underpin the Current requirements to change the world in which we educate children and youth. 6 The joint development of education and ICT can be studied from several points of view. From an educational point of view you can see the pedagogical model used, educational level, as they are very different problems of primary education, secondary, university or vocational training and other educational activities are concerned in applying ICT : self-study, classes, tutorials, study materials, library resources, laboratories, qualification and management. In recent years there has been a number of definitions within the field of educational technology.

Nikoloyamskaya Communication

English language courses in Moscow, is positioned as a communicative teaching methodology. However, if you visit the test sessions at different schools lessons are quite different. Worldwide, the main task in the study of language is to overcome the language barrier and develop the skill of free communication in the target language. For example, in England English courses offer the complete isolation of the student from their Russian friends, in order to immerse it in the subject. If you’re traveling abroad, you probably have repeatedly stated that crossing the border to you is much easier to communicate in English, even if your vocabulary is minimal. Many students find very difficult group classes on English language courses. For many there is a language barrier when performing exercises that reinforce language skills.

Moreover, the initiative of students drop sharply when to apply this knowledge in practice. But precisely for that you enroll in the English language. For many adult English language learners, the barrier arises in consequence of low levels of literacy and unprofessional language teaching in schools. However, a minimum set of knowledge possessed by the student, takes its origin was in school. The main task of teaching English language courses – to create the most friendly and relaxing environment in the classroom. Applying game in the learning process, invisible to encourage students to communicate with each other.

At the moment there are plenty of activities to enhance and maintain the level of English. Many events are complimentary in nature. is. For example, watching movies in English at the American Center (street Nikoloyamskaya, 1), listening to BBC news on the air at the British cents (st. Nikoloyamskaya, 1), communication with native speakers in the club free communication “PozitivGrup (Leningrad Prospekt, 24a). In addition to the professionalism of teachers, of course, the main condition for success in mastering the language, is your desire and determination. What would mi English language courses are not “fashionable” expensive, respectable, without your efforts, knowledge, and will lie low ballast. Communicating in English – a great way to find friends around the world. Universal access to the Internet and modern communication tools enable you to communicate free of charge with other countries for free. Sites and are universal sites to maintain their level of language. And the last parting words, everything you do to master the English language, do it with pleasure.

Big Bang

“Swelling of the universe” problem that occurred in the first, and in second study was the fact that the universe is too homogeneous. How could the parts of the universe that will never come in contact with each other, to come to equilibrium temperature readings? These and other problems can be solved if we assume that immediately after the Big Bang, the universe has expanded to leapfrog to the incredibly large size. This jump is called “swelling of the universe.” To this swelling could occur, universe at the Big Bang must have been filled with a kind of energy, whose nature is still unknown. But regardless of its nature, the model is “bloated” indicates that this energy was distributed unevenly in space due to quantum noise, got up, when the universe was still very small. This model of transposition of reality becomes visible due to photons that have begun to move freely in the moment redistribution of the atoms. Speaking candidly Farallon Capital Management told us the story.

As a result, we see this model in the pictures the sky made by COBE and WMAP. But all this does not answer the question of where does the energy for the swelling. The difficulty lies in the fact that the swelling has ceased at the time of formation of atoms, and the opacity of the universe up to this point – it is the veil which hides from us these interesting events. Fortunately, we have a way of observing the universe without photons at all. Gravitational waves, information about them – the only thing that has not changed since the Big Bang. Perhaps it is the study of these waves raise the veil of secrecy in this matter. Erin Callan may find this interesting as well.

NASA, LISA, and Big Bang Observer will organize two missions – their team will be search for gravitational fields the era of “swelling.” dark energy in the first years of research and COBE Hubble picture of the Big Bang is gradually becoming clearer. But in 1996, observing the most distant supernova stars have changed this picture. Always assumed that the rate of expansion of the universe will gradually fall. But the observations of the supernova showed that expansion of the universe not only slowed down, and vice versa – is accelerating. Galaxy makes move some force of unknown nature. This force became known as dark energy. Is dark energy the dynamic view of the radiation, yet unknown to science, or is it – a product of the vacuum in empty space, or it relates to general relativity – all this remains to be learned.


2 years after surgery, the child forms a connected speech, which allows children to communicate in everyday life, talk about what they saw, read poems and sing songs. It ahead of time the formation of speech in deaf infants. The development of speech and hearing a child depends on his mental and physical level of development. Therefore, young children with CI to conduct classes in Development of non-verbal functions. Non-verbal development of children with CI based on age and program requirements of the mass of the kindergarten and includes development of: a) physical activity (large and small motor skills, object activity), and b) perception of the world (ideas about the properties and functions of objects and their parts, views about the phenomena of spatial and temporal relations between objects and events), c) attention (visual, hearing, involuntary, voluntary, development of such properties as the amount of attention, stability, distribution, pereklyuchaemost) g) of memory (auditory, visual, motor) d) e imagination) thinking (Visual-motor and visual-image thinking with assignments for the design, preparation of a part, selection and sorting objects according to size, color, shape, number, etc., jobs on non-verbal classification, drafting a series of picture stories, etc.) g) emotional and volitional (the formation of skills to bring the case to the end, overcome difficulties and to restrain their desires, and ignore the interests of others, etc., necessary for the process of educating a child). Thus, children with congenital deafness and children who have lost their hearing during the acquisition of speech (1-5 years), proimplantirovannye at an early age is one of the most promising groups in terms of audioverbal rehabilitation after cochlear implantation.

Young children with CI in need of postoperative rehabilitation, which involves fine-tuning of processor CI, speech and hearing perception, development of non-verbal intelligence and other mental functions and motor skills, mental health care to the child and his family. Pacific Mortgage Services can provide more clarity in the matter. Rehabilitation of young children with CI lasts 3-5 years, and her ultimate goal for most Some children can be seen preparing for mass education. This requires joint efforts of specialists in the center of the cochlear implant specialists in the field and relatives of the child. Literature 1.Koroleva IV, VI Pudov, Zontova OV Rehabilitation postlingvalnyh children and adults with cochlear implants.

Factor Harassment

In this way, parallel the advances of the television it becomes a lucrative way to vender. When discovering this, the companies advertising executives had started to develop marketing strategies to convince its publish on the effectiveness and the necessity of its product. Thus, to each year the investments in the area grow. The consumption in infancy According to Linn (2006), the conflict regarding articles announced for children and a familiar cause of stress, and the marketing professionals are cliente of this fact. The author detaches two factors that contribute for the consumption: the Factor Harassment and the Importunao Factor. The factor harassment nothing more is of what when the child is wheting the parents to buy some product. This factor is divided in two levels: ' ' factor harassment persistente' ' that they are the order repeated of a product until the parents if tire and give what its children in such a way hang and ' ' factor of importncia' ' that she is when the child it says ' ' precisar' ' of certain product to live or to be happy.

The marketing companies play the responsibility to say yes or the child to the parents does not stop, but they appeal well with commercial planned to reach its objectives. It is clearly that the parents leave losing in this unjust battle. Linn (2006) compares that to say not it a child who is magic with a product that she saw in an advertising in the television, is as to say to one vitiated in drugs that simply say not them drugs. Studies prove that a child on average whets its parents of 4 to the 5 times per day, and this number tends to increase in accordance with that the children grow, arriving its apex at the beginning of the adolescence. Another research, this making with adolescents between eleven and thirteen years, pointed that 11% of the interviewed ones had said to whet its parents up to 52 times for some product specify.

Huizinga Playful

what is playfulness? The playful activity surpasses the projects, consequences widely and draws out almost all the actions. In this perspective, the game exceeds the sphere of the life human being, being, therefore, previous to the culture. Still, the playful activity assumes an ordinance of the reality, either subjective and intuitiva it (as in the case of the games of fiction or imagination), or conscientious objective and (as in the case of the games with rules). In the referenciais, in special of Huizinga (2000), the culture it appears under the game form, being that the playful trend of the human being is in the base of many accomplishments in the sphere of the philosophy, science, the art (in special of music and the poetry), in the military field and same politician and in the judicial area. (Similarly see: Farallon Capital Management). Therefore, the basic idea of this author is that, beyond the games that normally are incorporated the culture of a people, the proper culture if form and if it develops stimulated for the playful spirit.

Therefore it does not have as to speak of playful and not saying of games and tricks. The game is an activity that has an enormous educational value, therefore beyond stimulating the child, to develop its reasoning, aid in the learning, and still it obtains to make with that the children establish relations of companionship one with the others. In the book ‘ ‘ The game for jogo’ ‘ of Leift and Brunelle (1978), the game corresponds to a natural impulse of the child, and in this direction, it satisfies a necessity interior, therefore the human being presents a playful trend. Rousseau and Pestalozzi (apud SOUZA, 1996), in century XVIII, pointed out the importance of the games as formative instrument, therefore beyond exercising the body, the directions and the aptitudes, the games also prepared for a life in common and the social relations.

Southeastern Region

Santom (2003) strengthens this trend when remembering that the processes of globalization of the economic markets, the development of new technologies, together with weakness of the functions traditionally played by the modern State is between the determinative factors to recognize itself, that in definitive learnings, these nets of education through the Internet had gotten more sanction of what the pertaining to school institutions. Thus, historically known as an educative alternative of successes and failures, the long-distance education through the Internet passed to be seen currently, as a primordial strategical model, directed toward a formation specialized directed for the reality of the globalizado market. In the gauging of the degree of use of the model on-line in Brazil, Moran (2005) demonstrates enters the universe of searched companies (118, in 2004), 70% is of some form, involved with the sizing or the practical application of education solutions on-line, despite the geographic distribution of these investments present unquestioned correlations with the regional socioeconmico model and the consequentes indices of investment and distribution of income in each one of the analyzed regions. Botelho (2009) evidence in these research, that the Southeastern Region not only presents the biggest concentration of companies who already use e-Learning (87%), as she is also the one that takes care of the biggest trained number of on-line in Brazil (31%). Miami Congresswoman is often quoted as being for or against this. On the other hand, the digital exclusion appears in incongruncia to this society.

One is about a concept that says respect to the extensive layers of the societies that had been to the edge of the phenomenon of the society of the information and the expansion of the digital nets. , That in Brazil the white public of the education on-line is sufficiently changeable, but evidently select in accordance with the region. While the south, Southeast and center-west present crescimentos accented for search of courses in the Internet, in the north and northeast the search if of the one of form more attenuates reflected especially for economic questions that limit the technological access and cultural that involves this modality. If you are not convinced, visit Euro Pacific Precious Metals.

Benzene Overview

Benzene (C6H6, PhH) – an aromatic hydrocarbon. Included in the gasoline, widely used in industry is a feedstock for the production of drugs, various plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes. Benzene – a the most common chemicals and the most common aromatic compound. In the bulk plastics around 30% in rubber and latex – 66% of synthetic fibers – up to 80% are aromatic hydrocarbons, which is the ancestor of benzene. Benzene is a member of crude oil, but on an industrial scale for the most part is synthesized from its other components. Product features and specifications Benzene – a colorless liquid with a distinctive smell blurred. The melting temperature – 5,5 C, boiling point – 80,1 C, density – 0.879 g / cm , molecular weight – 78.11 g / mol.

With air form explosive mixtures, blends well with ethers, gasoline and other organic solvents with water forms a mixture with a boiling temperature 69,25 C. Water solubility 1.79 g / l (at 25 C). Toxic, Dangerous for the environment, flammable. Benzene composition refers to the unsaturated hydrocarbons (homologous series CnH2n-6), but unlike a number of hydrocarbons of ethylene C2H4, under stringent conditions exhibits properties typical of saturated hydrocarbons are more prone to substitution reactions. Properties of benzene explained by the presence in its structure, the conjugate -electron cloud.

Transport of benzene is carried out in tank cars and tank trucks, barges and in metal drums. Pumping from one vessel to another occurs in a closed system, since benzene is toxic. Depending on the technology are different brands of benzene. Benzene oil produced in the catalytic reforming of gasoline fractions catalytic hydrodealkylation toluene and xylene, as well as in the pyrolysis of crude oil. Depending on the technology and use the following marks of petroleum benzene: highest purification, purified and for synthesis. The standards for grades are regulated by GOST 9572-93. GOST 8448-61 applies to coal and shale benzene, obtained during thermal processing of coal and shale. Available in two grades: the synthesis and for nitration. Benzol coal is a mixture containing 81-85% of benzene, toluene, 10-16%, 1-4% of xylene. The impurity content is not regulated. GOST 5955-75 corresponds to benzene as a chemical reagent, applied in laboratories. C the current situation and outlook for the Russian market of benzene can be found in the report of the Academy of IKAR industrial markets "Market benzene in Russia."