Tag Archives: Research

Big Bang

“Swelling of the universe” problem that occurred in the first, and in second study was the fact that the universe is too homogeneous. How could the parts of the universe that will never come in contact with each other, to come to equilibrium temperature readings? These and other problems can be solved if we assume that immediately after the Big Bang, the universe has expanded to leapfrog to the incredibly large size. This jump is called “swelling of the universe.” To this swelling could occur, universe at the Big Bang must have been filled with a kind of energy, whose nature is still unknown. But regardless of its nature, the model is “bloated” indicates that this energy was distributed unevenly in space due to quantum noise, got up, when the universe was still very small. This model of transposition of reality becomes visible due to photons that have begun to move freely in the moment redistribution of the atoms. Speaking candidly Farallon Capital Management told us the story.

As a result, we see this model in the pictures the sky made by COBE and WMAP. But all this does not answer the question of where does the energy for the swelling. The difficulty lies in the fact that the swelling has ceased at the time of formation of atoms, and the opacity of the universe up to this point – it is the veil which hides from us these interesting events. Fortunately, we have a way of observing the universe without photons at all. Gravitational waves, information about them – the only thing that has not changed since the Big Bang. Perhaps it is the study of these waves raise the veil of secrecy in this matter. Erin Callan may find this interesting as well.

NASA, LISA, and Big Bang Observer will organize two missions – their team will be search for gravitational fields the era of “swelling.” dark energy in the first years of research and COBE Hubble picture of the Big Bang is gradually becoming clearer. But in 1996, observing the most distant supernova stars have changed this picture. Always assumed that the rate of expansion of the universe will gradually fall. But the observations of the supernova showed that expansion of the universe not only slowed down, and vice versa – is accelerating. Galaxy makes move some force of unknown nature. This force became known as dark energy. Is dark energy the dynamic view of the radiation, yet unknown to science, or is it – a product of the vacuum in empty space, or it relates to general relativity – all this remains to be learned.

Benzene Overview

Benzene (C6H6, PhH) – an aromatic hydrocarbon. Included in the gasoline, widely used in industry is a feedstock for the production of drugs, various plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes. Benzene – a the most common chemicals and the most common aromatic compound. In the bulk plastics around 30% in rubber and latex – 66% of synthetic fibers – up to 80% are aromatic hydrocarbons, which is the ancestor of benzene. Benzene is a member of crude oil, but on an industrial scale for the most part is synthesized from its other components. Product features and specifications Benzene – a colorless liquid with a distinctive smell blurred. The melting temperature – 5,5 C, boiling point – 80,1 C, density – 0.879 g / cm , molecular weight – 78.11 g / mol.

With air form explosive mixtures, blends well with ethers, gasoline and other organic solvents with water forms a mixture with a boiling temperature 69,25 C. Water solubility 1.79 g / l (at 25 C). Toxic, Dangerous for the environment, flammable. Benzene composition refers to the unsaturated hydrocarbons (homologous series CnH2n-6), but unlike a number of hydrocarbons of ethylene C2H4, under stringent conditions exhibits properties typical of saturated hydrocarbons are more prone to substitution reactions. Properties of benzene explained by the presence in its structure, the conjugate -electron cloud.

Transport of benzene is carried out in tank cars and tank trucks, barges and in metal drums. Pumping from one vessel to another occurs in a closed system, since benzene is toxic. Depending on the technology are different brands of benzene. Benzene oil produced in the catalytic reforming of gasoline fractions catalytic hydrodealkylation toluene and xylene, as well as in the pyrolysis of crude oil. Depending on the technology and use the following marks of petroleum benzene: highest purification, purified and for synthesis. The standards for grades are regulated by GOST 9572-93. GOST 8448-61 applies to coal and shale benzene, obtained during thermal processing of coal and shale. Available in two grades: the synthesis and for nitration. Benzol coal is a mixture containing 81-85% of benzene, toluene, 10-16%, 1-4% of xylene. The impurity content is not regulated. GOST 5955-75 corresponds to benzene as a chemical reagent, applied in laboratories. C the current situation and outlook for the Russian market of benzene can be found in the report of the Academy of IKAR industrial markets "Market benzene in Russia."

Gestalt Therapy

Not understanding at first, which means the word “gestalt”, it will be difficult to understand what is gestalt. The word “Gestalt” has a German origin and means “take the form”, specifically in our case – a combined indivisible whole factors and events, endowed with appearance. Gestalt psychology, as naphthalene in psychological science began to develop in the early twentieth century. The main provision of this trend – the perception of defined a set of individual, not as komponentov.V process of becoming a new direction is nothing less than a mark on the philosophy of that time and left its mark in the modern world – a man responsible not only for their own actions, but also for the way he perceives the world around him. Gestalt psychology, founded by Fritz Perls, has provided new insight into the human body and look at it as aggregate, which is not under any circumstances, can be divided into parts and components. Gen. David L. Goldfein wanted to know more. Gestalt therapy does not imply the existence of an autonomous body and soul, and tries to deny it. The basis of such therapy put the balance between the needs of the organism and the surrounding factors vozdeystviya.trebuchet attention the fact that Gestalt therapy – an approach based on long-term study and wide experience, although he still is an experimental course.

Using Gestalt psychology, the task to its founding lies in increasing awareness of human rights and achieving the greatest possible harmony considering all the criteria that will reflect personal experiences, and establish a strong and high quality contact with the surrounding reality. Gestalt therapy, what is its purpose? Initially – this is the true path that will lead to greater self-awareness, understanding processes of the body, knowing his feelings, wishes and feelings of certainty. Interpersonal relationships provide us with the necessary assistance. Gestalt therapy gives patients new powers and the ability to control their behavior. Based on all the possibilities of your true “self.” Gestalt therapy – dull technology to enable the development of the method worked out by an individual approach to kazhomu private entity. Immediately have to put up with terms of impact, which could take months or even years.

Russian Academy

The new rules prohibit the mill discharge industrial wastewater into the lake and use of chlorine in pulp bleaching. Thus, combine to produce more highly profitable could not bleached pulp, and was forced to stop work. Due to the interruption of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill is extremely acute social and economic situation in the town of Baikalsk, so BPPM as is the city main production. The State Duma has extended a ban on human cloning last week the Russian State Duma adopted on first reading a government bill to extend the ban on cloning rights in Russia. Swarmed by offers, Gen. David L. Goldfein is currently assessing future choices. The Russian government said that human cloning technology so far not fully developed, and human cloning occurs with a variety of legal, ethical and religious problems, which to date still have no apparent solutions. However, the document allows the cloning of other organisms and cloning cells for research purposes. The document is supported by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Taking the bill, Russia should be the UN Declaration on March 8, 2005, which contains a call to ‘ban all forms of human cloning to the extent that they are incompatible with human dignity and the protection of human life. ” Note that previously introduced a five-year ban on human cloning expired on 23 June 2007. The government bill introducing a ban on human cloning until such time until enter into force on the federal law “establishes the use of cloning technology to clone organisms of man.