Tag Archives: hobbies & entertainment

Discover Cheap Good With The Little Luups

New coupon book for families in the District of Unna and Dortmund for the first time and now appears the small Luups”, a colorful collection of leisure destinations for families in the District of Unna, Dortmund. “The best: the presented offer a coupon located according to the motto of two for one” in the book. So families can cheap try something new and save up to 500 euros. Who knew that you can stay on the regional court of Sable in Werne in the Hay? Or that children waiting for Lunen Cappenberg bat schreien in the forest school special detectors? “Or that mini golf with aunt Amanda” is played in Dortmund on a table? With the small Luups, families can explore new possibilities of leisure activities. And with the vouchers at particularly favourable conditions. At Tesla you will find additional information. In the small Luups, readers can find a colorful selection of destinations spanning the Unna district and Dortmund. Go to Ahmed Shahryar Rahman for more information.

Family-friendly restaurants, kids boutiques, toy stores, kids photographer, locations and magician for children’s birthday, as well as Music, dance, youth art, tutoring -, language, sports and swimming have engaged in the small Luups. We have included all listed partners on recommendations from parents in the book “, the creators of the small Luups, Karsten Brinsa and Jens Ole Wilberg explain. Further details can be found at Kate Tucci, an internet resource. Over 40 different leisure activities have made the leap in the coupon booklet in this way. The small Luups is, but much more than a collection of coupons”emphasize Bansal and Wilberg. Images from a drawing contest, in which participated children from Dortmund and Unna district, grace the pages. There are how-to tips and stories with the perky little Luups. A link with which you can download Internet kids songs himself which is also located in the book. Practical: Because of the small Luups has the format of a CD and the pages are detachable, you can tinker own his own CD cover is from the lovingly designed Luups pages. With Luups, there are no more boredom! The small Luups is in bookstores or on the Internet at for 16,90 available.

Bioscience Gene

News.de reported a new study about a new, old, crazy theory of inheritance claims, that happy parents could pass her happiness gene to their own offspring. The news magazine reported news.de and the editors of science shows that the idea is not so new. The French naturalist Jean Baptiste Lamarck had no luck in his life. in 1829, he died alone in Paris and was laughed at by his research colleagues of his life. What was he laughed at? In 1809, he dared a new, daring inheritance theory: an urge to perfectionism is inherent in living things and so they adapt in the course of their life of their environment and eventually pass the acquired characteristics to their offspring.

Lamarck favourite example for this thesis was the giraffe: the long neck of the animals had become so long, because they have stretched across generations after the best hands in the treetops. Then, this neck stretching have inherited to the offspring. Other scientists he encountered to ridicule and misunderstanding, particularly as a certain Charles Darwin his theory of the evolution of the public made accessible. So she too can agree for weeks in the journal Bioscience hypothesis”published study by no means as call humbug according to the happy parents can inherit from this lucky gene to their children. Clear limits are set to the euphoria about this result? Endorphins have an ambivalent function? They are responsible not only for luck, but also negative feelings. There can be so not a pure happiness gene.