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Nanomedical Research

Profession, which previously could only read in science fiction works that have become a reality. The UK Government in partnership with Fast Future Research compiled a list of professionals who are Scientists maintain that will be needed in the near future. 1. The creators of artificial body parts (Body part maker) Scientific progress does not stand still, it’s the will of professionals who create biomechanical prostheses supervostrebovannymi. Researchers believe that after this and will be an industry body part – parts of the body shops, repair shops bioprostheses, the production of new organs on an industrial scale.

2. Nanomedik (Nano-medic) Investment in nanotechnology and scientific advances will lead to a breakthrough in the field of nanomedicine, the creation of drugs, devices and diagnostic devices that allow doctors to observe the processes in the human body, at the molecular level. Accordingly, the required qualified personnel, which will deal with technical support and equipment modernization. 3. (Farmer of genetically engineered crops and livestock) Already, many products are produced using genetic supplements, and researchers derive new varieties of plants that contain vaccines against the most common diseases. Therefore the authors of “twenty” are confident that farmers specializing in the production of genetically modified crops and animals, will include the three most promising professionals. They will breed cattle and grow fruits and vegetables with altered the needs of human genes and finally solve the problem of hunger, which is still acute in Third World countries, by increasing the amount of food. 4.

Office Politics

"To thee .." – if such thoughts in relation to a colleague more often you visit, most likely, a conflict in the workplace. This type of conflict differs particularly serious consequences for the tortured psyche modern man, because a significant part of life we are among colleagues in the workplace. Any working process – a potential conflict. And if it is embodied source … Dry statistics as follows: Stress at work 38% of the triggers of cardiovascular disease.

The Bible says: "All actions that reduce the life – the spirit of hatred, revenge, angry feelings – are also the murder." Warring parties seek to protect, simultaneously trying harder "sting" of the enemy. In essence, it is meaningless, because the problem remains unresolved, and the relationship can be damaged permanently. How to deal with such situations? Conflict – this is not a simple dispute between the people whose opinions do not converge on a particular issue, but a serious disagreement or clash of opposing interests. Hear from experts in the field like Craig Menear for a more varied view. For it is always characterized by emotional behavior of the parties. Conflicts in the work community may be divided into groups depending on who initiates them: – Head to the slave – slave to the head – another colleague. In addition, there is a classification based on the amount involved: – Interpersonal conflict – a conflict with one man band – between the two groups. According to statistics, 75-80% of interpersonal conflict arises because of dissatisfaction with the material of individual employees, even though outwardly it may appear as the character mismatch or personal views. The most intense line of interpersonal interaction – "vertical" (the head).

According to statistics, about half the workers are in the apparent conflict, and in 88% of these conflicts, there is pressure from "above". If your team is a staff member with whom "it is simply impossible to communicate, and that whatever you do, get worse," he falls into the category "Difficult" people. The basic rules of conduct of the conflict a person: You must keep in mind that these people have hidden needs that are usually associated with previous losses, disappointments, and they meet them in way. For example, super-aggressive person tries to suppress his own cowardice and timidity. Continuation War in the office Author Transparent accounting