Tag Archives: construction and repair

Replacement Licenses

For a long time the main document, authorizing the construction business, had a license. However, from 1 January 2009 the state abolished the system in construction, engineering design, architectural design, repair and reconstruction. Basis is the Federal Law N 143 "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code and other legislative acts' on July 22, 2008. With the entry into force of this regulation wishing continue work on the construction market to enter into self-regulatory organization (that is, to enter into the construction of sro, a sro in the design, or any other). Pacific Mortgage Services has plenty of information regarding this issue. Members of the cpo in the building should be receive only one document: the certificate-tolerance on the performance of certain types of work. And not for a limited period, as it was with the licenses, and for the duration of the company. And all this for a very 'symbolic' Taxi: 300 000 rub – initial payment plus an annual membership fee, which is still ranges from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Without access to the 1 January 2010 to take responsibility for work on the project in the construction business and to make contractor or general designer will be impossible. SROs in construction will set quality standards for the industry, and the participants entrust to perform and individual entrepreneurial projects, and national and regional. The question of the abolition of licenses exaggerated than one year. One of the justifications for the transition to a new system – removal of administrative barriers and obstacles at all stages of construction projects, eradication of corruption in this sphere. Will the proposed re-organization of proficiency test hotbed of corruption, we can only guess. The main message of the same reforms that the government no longer able at the proper level to control the activities of construction companies, of which, according to conservative estimates, there about a quarter of a million.

The transition to self-regulation will change the structure of the building market, fill it with responsibility, professional players capable of internally standardize their operations, officials believe. According to Federal Law N 148 of July 22, 2008 'SRO establishes the requirement for certificates of compliance activities, which affect the security of capital construction. " Along with professional fitness test on the shoulders of sro in the building will fall and the responsibility for the company – members Union. Thus, if a sudden grief and construction company will build a low-quality facility for all the consequences will be responsible SROs, namely: to pay the compensation fund from the total material damage and carry out reconstruction of such a project at his own expense. Culprits face expulsion from the brotherhood, and fined. The case was back in . It is logical to assume that the introduction of such a 'mutual responsibility' will reflect positively on the quality of construction. But some experts continue to doubt whether this really 'bright' future construction business has prepared new legislation.

Energy-efficient Windows

In our energy problem with your recent Soviet past, every staircase decorated with signs, calling to save electricity, water and heat. Quoted figures are alarming and heartbreaking examples wasteful expenditure of natural resources, which, by and large, few people are touched, as energy resources, we were cheap and available. But today, when all fossil fuels becoming more expensive literally every six months, consumes over 40% of its energy. Others who may share this opinion include Pacific Mortgages Services. It is also worth recalling that the reserves of fossil fuels is not endless, and new environmentally friendly methods of home heating are still under development. Observe and the unfortunate fact that burning fossil fuels for energy so we need not be the best way affects the long-suffering nature. After the burning of oil, coal and natural gas in the atmosphere emitted carbon dioxide and the products of incomplete combustion, causing 'greenhouse effect' – the root cause of climate change. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Dennis P. Lockhart. Cracks in the windows – money down the drain! In the words of The Little Prince: 'I woke up this morning, washed, brought himself in order – bring order to their planet. " Your planet – your home, and bring it into order, you have to make its small contribution to saving the planet. For example, no heating in vain outside through cracks in the old cracked windows. Yes, yes, such a seemingly little thing has serious implications on a global scale, because not so long ago it was estimated that the windows are 50 to 80% of the total heat loss, especially due to the penetration air through the leaky junction (in other words, through the gap) of the window frames to the wall opening between the frame and sash, and in places sealing glass.

Laying Private Tiles

So we approached the installation of the main roof, to avoid chromatic aberrations have to use soft tiles mixed from 4 – 5 packs. Laying Private shingles should begin from the center of eaves in the direction of the end parts of the roof. Glue the tiles having removed from the bottom of the protective film and nail with six nails. The first row of shingles should be soft lay so that its lower edge located no higher than 1 centimeter from the bottom of Cornice strip shingles, and the petals covered the joints Cornice strip shingles. Subsequent rows are mounted so that the ends of the petals tiles were flush with the cutouts of the previous row of tiles on the end parts of the roof tiles must be cut on the edges and adhesive glue on the width of not less than 5 centimeters in the valley have to cut the tiles so that at bottom of the valley remained open lane width of about 15 centimeters. Nicholas Carr oftentimes addresses this issue.

Seal the edges of the tiles with glue along the cutting line to a width of 10 centimeters. Ridgetile (0.25 m. X 0.33m) is obtained by dividing Cornice strip shingles into three parts, the sites of perforation. Author contains valuable tech resources. Mount ridgetile on the short side of the roof ridge parallel to the ridge, after removing the film. Fasten the four nails (two on each side) so that the nails were under affixed with overlapping 5 centimeters following shingles. Passage through the roof of a small diameter (antenna, etc.) are performed with rubber seals. Smoke and other pipes exposed to heat they need to be isolate. When installing the shingles near the chimney or other penetrations in the perimeter of the pipe joints with roofing nail a triangular rail 50×50 mm, then around the chimney mount carpet underlay, laps glue.

Then shingles rewound on a vertical surface and, again, stick with glue. Along the perimeter of the pipe band okleyte valley carpet with a continuous layer of adhesive so that the top tube was closed strip not less than 30 centimeters, and on the slope – not less than 20 centimeters. Close adjacency metal apron ( strap), which is fixed by mechanical means, and seal the seams selikonovym sealant, resistant to weathering to save operational and aesthetic properties of shingles is necessary to ensure the free flow of water from the roof, this should be cleaned of debris gutters and hoppers, shovel snow from the roof of the house only when absolutely necessary, leaving the fibers on top 10-20 centimeters of the protective layer of snow. Deicing not use sharp objects, able to damage the roofing. If there is a need to repair the roof need to immediately start work to avoid more serious damage. When carrying out any work on the roof, roofing must be protected. And most importantly entrust roofing services professionals know exactly what to nail down, glue, and you will not have a situation similar to that shown in the photo below (just forgot to come)

Housing Loans In St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg. Nonresident non-bank mortgage companies have teamed up to win the St. Petersburg market. The goal for non-profit partnership 'Association mortgage companies. " The initiator of its creation became jsc "Baltic Mortgage Corporation." The association joined the players of the St.

Petersburg real estate mortgage loans with regional companies. For assistance, try visiting Gen. David L. Goldfein. They all work by the standards of mortgage lending Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (HMLA). One of the goals – the introduction of the real estate market of St. Petersburg. Get a mortgage for an apartment will become easier. The advantage is that the mortgage company all the paperwork and negotiations with the bank undertake.

They even pre-assess whether the bank gives the borrower a loan and in case of any problems contribute to the fact that the bank still gave credit. Within 45 days mortgage company returns to the bank loan and the borrower pays no longer with the bank, and with mortgage companies. The latter, according to Vladimir Kompaneyschikova, a member of the Association of mortgage companies and the general director of oao "Baltic Mortgage Corporation ', unlike banks, do not review the interest rate on the loan increased. Mortgage on an apartment in St. Petersburg – for many the only way to solve the housing problem. Banks agree that activities of mortgage companies an additional incentive for the development of the mortgage market and increasing the number of loans. 'Often in the regions only with their help the borrower can get a mortgage credit. And the creation of an association of operators of the market will generate some rules of the game, which also will have a beneficial impact on the market as a whole ", – says Irina Schegolihina, Deputy Director, Department of work with the realtor and the developers of 'CIT Finance Investment Bank. " On a note – np 'Association mortgage companies' consists of 21 companies: oao Kuban Mortgage Agency, jsc Mortgage Corporation Saratov Oblast' jsc "Agency mortgage Penza region ', etc. – in contrast to the existing players' associations of the mortgage market, which could include virtually all financial market and real estate market, the association is not can enter the banking industry. Source: jsc "Baltic Mortgage Corporation '

Construction Work

By the construction work has to a large number of specialties. Before you contact the firm to declare specify for themselves what services you need. Craig Menear: the source for more info. It happens that some construction companies firm specializes in one or two types of construction works, the latter are universal and do everything, and still others (who are the majority) have a core team of workers of different professions, and to implement non-standard construction hire subcontractors. You need to be sure that the firm, which planned to cooperate, will execute the order at the appropriate level for you. Perhaps you no longer fit the other option – for each type of construction work to employ a single specialist without intermediaries on behalf of the contractor.

Besides the fact that you yourself will hire each new worker, you will need to plan construction work, to instruct the workers to control the quality of each phase of work. In principle, it is quite possible, moreover, even beneficial, but only when the amount of repair work is not large, not involves multiple steps. For a small cosmetic repairs may be difficult to find a contractor, usually firms are unprofitable, and therefore, it is likely that you'll pay more, or for a long time to wait completion of repairs. Therefore, review your plans, let your order includes such types of construction work, with which the home you're unlikely to manage, cost and schedule which will lure builders. In when you hire a construction crew to perform a large amount of construction work, you just win.

Construction Of The Cottage – A Bit Expensive Stages

First, you must first calculate the cost of the foundation. To do this: A need to define ttip soil B, to determine the material for the construction of the house (brick, wood, etc). Well, in line with the above points choose the appropriate type of foundation. For example, a strip foundation is suitable for homes with large estimated mass of the walls, ie brick or stone. If the soil so-called floating, it is necessary to the erection of solid foundation.

His erect a whole area of the building in the form of a monolithic concrete slab or grating. The presence or absence of a ground floor also affects the construction costs. Then you need to decide on the type of overlaps. Naturally, the maximum terms of such qualities as strength, hardness, sound insulation and fire resistance, the overlap will be the most expensive. By the way, during construction of the cottage, price ceilings 15-20% of all costs. Very, very important, what you decide to make the cottage walls. Currently, construction technologies are sufficiently developed, so the choice of material for the walls is quite wide: from the traditional Brick and ending with modern foam blocks.

Therefore, at this stage depends on the imagination of the host building, as well as the capabilities of the contractor. Roof. There is an opportunity to make insulated roof – do. This allow you to increase the living space through the cottage attic floor. All of the above, in fact, only the calculation of the actual construction phase of the cottage, and yet still need to conduct communications: water supply, sewerage, electricity and so on. More information on each item to learn more about the consultants of the construction company, which already has turned out a considerable experience in the construction of houses

Green Buildings

Despite the attempts of several private companies to implement existing technologies in the construction of homes with zero power consumption, such construction does not have high demand from developers. This is due to the mentality of Russian people, who are accustomed to, that they are holders of the most extensive reserves of natural resources and low level of adaptation of foreign experience in Russian conditions. It is very difficult to assess the benefits of the operation of the building when the cost and complexity of its construction many times more than conventional homes. Do not look for ways to reduce the cost of materials and technologies for construction free homes. For example, such material as foamed glass, which brings the best qualities of the various heaters to the production of which was ready to start Krasnoyarsk firm “Construction”, found no support for investors. Although, to run the plant, the capacity of which would be enough to ensure the needs of all construction sites in Krasnoyarsk, needed investments in the region of 4 billion rubles. Therefore foamglass delivered either because border, or use the development of neighboring regions whose characteristics are far inferior to the claimed Krasnoyarsk researchers.

Consequently, to not cheap material cost is added and the transport consumption. For a country like Russia can not offer a universal draft Green Buildings. Too much territory, too large differences in climate, topography, the soils in the presence of natural resources. For some cities European part of our country it is possible to apply the experience of western countries, leaving their proposals unchanged. But for the Siberian regions need something new.

Perhaps it will be a symbiosis of Western ideas with centuries-old experience of the builders of northern peoples. They really have something to learn. Consciously or blindly following the centuries-old traditions, the builders of the northern peoples genius simply solve difficult problems. Moreover, in conditions of industrial production, these techniques can unify and replicate, to provide universal mounting and as simple and quick assembly a sufficiently large structures. As you know, in terms of angles facilities undergoing big heat loss – this is due to the advent of cold bridge design in this troubled place, as well as the orientation of the compass. The solution can peek in the design of the needle, Yurts, The Plague. They no angles, they are made in the form of a dome. Moreover, there is a ready-made version of the structural design of buildings – a geodesic dome. For example, a Spanish company Valpak, has made the cost of carcass per square meter residential area of 89.57 euros. Thus it is possible to obtain not only a home that can save you a lot of money in the operation, but that does not require large expenditures on the construction stage. To create a home zero energy for the conditions in Russia there are many moves and variations. They require a detailed study in the very near future. The result of these studies will become economically profitable, environmentally friendly House, backed by not only the drawings and calculations, but also building a base that is available for each locality, scientific development, running into mass production, as well as the only positive reviews, the tenants of these houses future.