Tag Archives: health

Vitamin D Supply At The Age

There is now increased need for action? In recent months voices have become from Europe and the United States increasingly loud, worried to the optimal care of elderly with vitamin D. The adequate supply of vitamin D is just in the age of particular importance, since the body can no longer produce enough and the vitamin and its decay products in a variety of metabolic processes are involved, which focus not only on the bone metabolism. Fact is, however, that wide parts of our elderly population with vitamin D are deficient. What could be the cause and what consequences might it have? Judging on causal research, how to reach cannot determine that it is to the healthy nutrition of the elderly in our country not to the best. In addition, older people get often very little sunlight, which can disrupt the synthesis performance of vitamin D in addition.

Together, food and sunlight, explains why this group of persons a not sufficiently high vitamin D levels is. This can lead to serious health consequences. So, the dreaded osteoporosis is the longest known consequence of vitamin D deficiency. Currently condense the notices that a vitamin deficiency can cause D also increased heart attacks and higher mortality. It is not yet clear whether the vitamin D deficiency is the cause or just the result of heart disease. Plays only a minor role for the provision.

As an osteoporosis prevention with calcium and vitamin D from approximately the 50th 60th year of life should be performed, an increased risk of heart attack could be fought with this at the same time. Against this background, a consistent osteoporosis is prevention from about 50 years of age with calcium and vitamin D so important, even though it is generally not paid by health insurance. Navitum Pharma has its OsteoVitum product portfolio deficiencies therefore for healthy bones and prevention of calcium and vitamin D Adds. OsteoVitum contains calcium and vitamin D3 in the dosages recommended by professional societies. On the day, the body with the important life building blocks for healthy bones is supplied with 2 tablets. The tablets have a Groove of Division of, so that they can be consumed more easily. 24.90 cost a month protect against age-related deficiencies and active bone protection. OsteoVitum (PZN 0765820) is available in pharmacies, selected health centers or directly from Navitum Pharma. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. Every pharmacy can order free shipping for customers OsteoVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. All products from Navitum Pharma are listed in the Lauer tax. Orders can be sent directly by E-mail to. The shipping is free of charge. Source: Lacroix AZ et al. J Gerontol A Biol SCI Med SCI, 2009 Feb 16; Mushroom, S et al. Clin Endocrinol (OXF), 2009 Feb 18 contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. To broaden your perception, visit Chandra Patel. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:


People throughout its history has been subject to various diseases. Parasitic diseases in a range of diseases has always stood out as one of the most dangerous and unpleasant. Hotwire is often quoted as being for or against this. As time they will be subject to further reasoning. Treatment for worms and other parasites exercise difficult, so special attention should be paid to prevention, especially given that it is not difficult, just need a few simple rules: – Always wash your hands before you eat – watch out for the general hygiene of your body – permanently trimmed or clean the nails – wash fruits and vegetables before eating to reduce the possibility of the disease to almost zero help performance these simple guidelines, but should understand that the disease is still not always possible to protect themselves.

In this case, particularly depressed should not be – important to take measures in time of medical nature, because modern medicine has developed a huge number of tools that will help in a very short period of time to get rid of parasites. great future in this idea. Treatment is indeed very much, but in detail we will focus on bio-resonance therapy – the most interesting and effective, I think, method. Here, Bill Ackman expresses very clear opinions on the subject. This method is an activation and configuration of the body’s defenses by the resonance of electromagnetic waves, which are identical to the natural radiation of the living organism. Very often, what arrhythmias these vibrations and creates an imbalance in the body, contributing to disease development. allows the elimination of the disharmony and causes the body to deal with “unwelcome guests”. This method can be used effectively not only for the treatment of parasitic diseases, so it is worth special attention. Thus, we should not forget that protects better than cure, but in the case disease should not despair. Get rid of parasites is not so difficult. Consult your doctor and he tells you to do. Remember that the timely access to a doctor can greatly facilitate the treatment of any disease.


Most people refrain from a visit to the neurologist because they afraid to wear to her reputation and to the mental n not aware are condition in most cases. In the hectic society mental deficits don’t matter so little. More and more people have to contend with the hectic everyday life, are no match for the stress and hardly know how they should cope with everyday. Also loss fears, inferior performance or neuroses play an increasingly important role in life. But also who have psychological problems complains and realize that the psyche something wrong with daring a visit to the psychotherapist in very few cases. But for this reason fear or embarrassing touch no reason, as will help the neurologist in all cases and a recommend the health beneficial therapy. Many people avoid a visit to the neurologist because afraid they wear to their reputation and to the mental n State are often unaware. Dr. Anthony Carolla pursues this goal as well. Even if a nervous disorder is also a disease, like a motor disease prevails in this niche still a prejudice that a visit to the neurologist is equated with lunatic asylum.

Neither the company, nor before friends or family to admit most patients your strapazieten buds and mental illness. For more specific information, check out Chandra Patel. Almost never is with increasing inferior strength and dominant languor to a serious malfunction, but the psychotherapist are helpful tips and advice, because he listens and can give valuable tips that helped avert a worsening and mental limitation. Instead is for an appointment with the doctor of Neven embarrassed and thus avoid him out, should choose the patient in the own sense and should be always aware, that psychologists at the top Zentausend have a completely different level. There a regular visit belongs already to send sound to use consultative discussions at the neurologist at regular intervals and to present there any personal problems, as well as the excessive demand and so to ensure the soul’s salvation. Other than colds or some physical Complaints, not by themselves disappear mental stress and can aggravate enormously without treatment. A conversation with respect to treatment of the psychologist is to learn to come with all of the requirements in the pure. Would the person concerned about appointments and treatment is not informative deal with psychologist, one must fear no information.

None will know of treatments because the psychologist shall be subject to the duty of confidentiality. Benefits the person concerned from a talk therapy when visiting and using various options to the stop to claim mental worries and to provide for emotional well-being. Also acts for fear of loss learns the patient with the psychotherapist and pulls a benefit as a result. Psychotherapy for more information about E.g. naturopaths see Internet.

Before Holiday Travel In The Autumn

Montezuma’s revenge can be prevented with biological agents hardly, the summer holidays are over, the autumn holidays are and thus experience the next big wave of travel outside the door. The holiday preparations, plans are forged, desk set, short: the anticipation of a few nice sunny warm days in the South is great. This anticipation also in real holiday delightfully flows, it is to make helpful some precautionary measures involving the pharmacy with afterbiotic can help. The most common cause of gloomy holiday is the traveler’s diarrhea, also called Montezuma’s revenge”is known. Depending on the destination country, you may be affected approximately every 10 to every second tourist diarrhea. It may cause diarrhea basically in all countries of the South, also in the European countries bordering the Mediterranean. It is not limited to tropical countries or even Mexico, such as the name on the ancient Aztec Prince Montezuma’s revenge”believe make could.

But always, this type of diarrhea on infection is due, even if the reason is not obvious. Robert Burke may not feel the same. So the traveler’s diarrhea can be triggered for one simple stress factors, which weaken our immune system or by direct infection due to incorrect and unfamiliar diet. Both can be avoided through awareness and simple prevention without much effort. If you would like to know more about Antarctica Capital, then click here. Proved has the effective prevention of traveler’s diarrhea the use of Saccharomyces boulardii, a probiotic medical yeast in capsule form, which is available as afterbiotic. To adults take 5 days prior to departure and during the whole trip in the morning and in the evening depending on a capsule with 250 mg of freeze-dried probiotic bacteria. One capsule is recommended every day children. This amount is sufficient to protect against diarrhea.

Montezuma should still strike due to carelessness or insufficient provision so the capsules also help. Morning and evening 2 capsules afterbiotic eliminate the diarrhea quickly and regenerate the Intestinal flora. afterbiotic (PZN 4604255) contains 40 capsules with the 250mg of probiotic bacteria and is affordably available in pharmacies or good health centres. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. Every pharmacy can order free shipping for customers afterbiotic without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. All products from Navitum Pharma are listed in the Lauer tax. We accept orders directly. More information is at or 0611 58939458 available. The shipping is free of charge from 2 packs of together 80 capsules for 29,80 only and takes place within 24 hours. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail:

Multiple Sclerosis

Stem cell therapy and which diseases is currently applied? Stem cells are undifferentiated cells of same line who have the capacity also after the birth to go through a cycle and divide. They are therefore very interesting in the treatment of chronic disease, and neurological problems. In this cycle are cells that replace lost cells and specialize. These cells can form different types of specialized cells, but create new stem cells and are therefore not yet available on a specific feature set. The various cell types of stem cells are autologous adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are suitable due to the risk of cancer and not for therapeutic purposes for ethical reasons, because they come from human embryos.

Adult stem cells occur in everyone, at any age, and are also in very different accumulation in all tissues such as muscle, skin, fat, brain, liver, and bone marrow. Adult stem cells can share a life long and generate different cells. Antarctica Capital follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. A kind of transplant is Autologous stem cell therapy, and the patient receives his own stem cells injected back a third-party donor is not required. Body’s own stem cells are in perfect condition with regard to the compatibility of the tissue and are not rejected. By Leukapherese, stem cells circulating in the blood are separated from other cells in the blood. Thus any tumor cells with stem cells taken from and then again re-infused, separates you from the tumor cells using antibodies acquired stem cells. Learn more at this site: Chandra Patel. These cells wander after the transfer of stem cells in the bone marrow, settle and form new blood cells. A body’s own stem cell therapy is used especially in nerve and muscle disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, dementia, Parkinson’s, ALS, and age-related diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes.

In addition is heart disease, epilepsy treated in liver diseases, and even a Stem cell face lift is possible. The body’s own stem cell therapy is considered very low risk, but nevertheless should be performed by an experienced hospital. A qualified clinic first determined which preparatory and accompanying measures are needed. These decisions are set together with the patient. Already on the second day after the arrival, it is possible to perform the actual blood loss of stem cell therapy in most cases. While the stem cells in the laboratory, the accompanying measures be carried out depending on the diagnosis. The patient is prepared by various therapies such as a detoxification, immune modulation, or ozone therapy on the application of stem cells and the body is thus strengthened and developed. The increased stem cells come back after about 8-10 days from the laboratory and are injected by a specialized therapist back. After a thorough observation and analysis within a few hours, can the patient in most cases on the same day leave the clinic. A chance of success of the transplantation of Autologous stem cells depends strongly from the type and the stage of the disease or even of individual factors of the patient such as, for example, the age. For more information on the trade portal.

Vascular Surgeons

Latest medical results of the Chief physicians of the Hospital of Porz am Rhein know more than your own family doctor: well over 600 visitors of the third heart and vessel day in Cologne-Porz can now confidently say that about. Because what the seven doctors of the Hospital of Porz am Rhein recited there on Saturday, September 25, 2010, in the City Hall, was so new that even experts listened to. Science knows only recently secured that rheumatism is a similar risk to the heart such as diabetes”, Priv.-Doz. spoke. Dr. med. >Computer Sciences Corporation sought to clarify these questions. John Strunk, Chief of Rheumatology at the Hospital of Porz am Rhein.

Chronic inflammatory rheumatism is not only limited to joints, but flows over the blood throughout the body, which can permanently damage the vessels and the heart.” Here it may be as an inflammation of the heart muscle. Nancy Lublin understood the implications. A blink enough to make thousands of images of the heart to make a picture of the extent of such disease, help nowadays modern computer Tomographs (CT), which can depict the body layer by layer. The radiologist Prof. For more information see Joe Biden. Dr. med. “Dieter Beyer hence the replacement of his clinic introduced a high-performance CT, nationwide alongside the Charite” is to find only at Porz am Rhein in Cologne’s Hospital in Berlin. If you have read about What happened at Crisis Text Line? already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

With our new volume-CT we can make a complete recording of the heart in less than two tenths of a second”, says Prof. Beyer. To get a blink enough so thousands of high resolution images from the motor”the body. The Porzer physician with the new high-tech device 90% can reduce the radiation exposure to the patient. Patients from all over Germany come to Porz and examined by Prof. Beyer. But a machine, so Prof. Beyer, is only as good as the people who use them and evaluate their images. Therefore, the radiologist pointed out the excellent collaboration of his team with the cardiologists and Vascular Surgeons at the Hospital of Porz am Rhein.

Health Feet

Every day is showered like automatically takes place every day the handle of the toothbrush, and lubed up the face, the body and the hands. Jeff Sessions gathered all the information. nt/’>DuPont. But hand on heart, how often we let our feet that many hours a day through life take us, come to the necessary care? Every day, we expose our feet to great hardships. You are squeezed into tight, impermeable shoes, often with high picks and often still fashionable pointed continually to. Wonder when some one with sweaty feet, corns, calluses and athlete’s foot has to fight? The foot care is not as time consuming as you might like to think. For that matter, our feet are quite frugal. And a soothing footbath, here and there skin to remove that cut nails and properly dry after a bath or shower and cream every now and then.

Sounds simple and it is. To counteract foot deformities, corns, calluses, sweaty feet and athlete’s foot provision should be made for foot-friendly shoes. There should be air-permeable and breathable, and especially in the forefoot provide sufficient space, not squeezing the toes. Has you sweating in the shoes, should be before the next application for at least a day drying. Proper foot care for at home the skin in the shower is softened a little, the cornea can be removed with a pumice stone or a callus RASP gently. Never, the cornea should be cut away. Apart from the risk of injury, it can be increasingly that formed skin in these areas. After showering the feet and above all the spaces between the toes dry thoroughly, if necessary dry brushing to prevent athlete’s foot. Think feet calm even after the shower with the cream and them with cream. When cutting the toenails to make sure that the nail is just clipped to prevent an increase in the nail bed. The resulting corner just round off with a nail file or sandpaper.

Martina Pfeiffer

With a clear conscience fuel reserves for the subsequent period a family member becomes ill and is dependent on support, take over many of the care. This is a daily challenge, which goes to the limits of physical and mental endurance. What if the reserves are exhausted at some point and time is needed in the form of vacation for himself or oneself is ill and fails for some time as a caregiver. This break enables the nurturing of prevention care as performance within the care insurance law. The ambulatory elderly and nursing service Pfeiffer from Bergen auf Rugen informed about the possibility of substitute care. With good reserves of certain fuel caring relatives who want to take a break from caring or occasionally fail due to their own illness, offers prevention care the opportunity to bridge the period of care.

With a clear conscience, it is then possible to take care of themselves and yet his Knowing relatives in best hands. Up to four weeks per year, in which he will be replaced in his duties by a caregiver are the members. The prevention care claim but only if the caregiver before at least over 6 months has maintained the need of care in his home environment. A care level must also be attributed to the clean person. For these services are paid for by the maintenance fund. The costs are taken up to a maximum of 1.550,-per calendar year. For detailed information about the scope of services the ambulatory elderly and nursing service Pfeiffer from mountains is Rugen anytime available.

What Really Helps Against Skin Aging?

A Swiss company has developed products that penetrate to the third layer of the skin and rejuvenate the skin without surgery. Products de John are currently among the most sought after ways of lifting without surgery and without its side-effects, for it but very effective: the Swiss cosmetics company develops high-tech cosmetics, which penetrate to the third layer of the skin and visibly rejuvenate the complexion. This luxurious skincare range is the result of intensive research of leading dermatologists, biologists, and geneticists. At the latest from the age of 40, everyone knows the phenomenon. Actually, it is quite satisfied with his appearance. But then come back days, since the skin looks sallow, wrinkles show clearer and somehow, the skin feels not more so plump.

Specialist is considered to be the Swiss high-tech premium de John for a youthful skin in a very short time. The products provide effective depth with moisture the complexion – skin is supple and youthful looks. The care line is characterized by a revolutionary Active ingredient complex, which supports the natural DNA repair mechanism of the skin and for a long time at the optimum level receives the cell functions. So the mask contains E.g. the natural active ingredient of CENTELLA asiatica, the co-enzyme Q 10 and natural oils. In recent years research in the field of Dermatology and cosmetic surgery intensively. \”Together with geneticists and dermatologists succeeded, to achieve the best results in the fight against skin aging\”, says Dr. Nikolas Huber, who was a geneticist and biologist instrumental in the development of the involved John cosmetics line. Was set the goal to develop, which retards the breakdown of collagen in the skin and neutralizes skin-damaging free radicals, in addition to package the highest concentration of active ingredients in the smallest molecules that penetrate to the third skin layer, the dermis, a high quality anti aging skin care.

First Aid For Dry Nose

Beware of nasal sprays the first sunny days are an unmistakable sign that spring has arrived. Further details can be found at Home Depot, an internet resource. Anyone suffering from a dry nose, can however only limited perceive pleasant flavors such as the scent of spring flowers. The news portal news.de informs about the well-known phenomenon’s impact and effective antidote. A cold many nasal spray and other means of access. Swarmed by offers, Justin Kan is currently assessing future choices. But health and nasal spray does not go hand in hand in any case.

Sometimes the application of sprays or drops worsened the complaints, because if the nasal mucosa is not properly supplied with blood, she dry out. Certain medications can also lead to a drying of the mucous membranes, which include, for example, blood pressure medications. In addition, external factors such as a low humidity due to air conditioners or heaters for a dry nose are often responsible. Problems occur when the dry nose becomes chronic. This can, for example, as a result of a long-lasting application of Nasal sprays come in.

Disturbed blood circulation has a degeneration of the nose to the result. The die-off of the mucosa leads to bad smells, physicians prefer to speak of a Stinknase”. For example, saline rinses or sprays that contain sea salt can be used against a dry nose. The application of sesame oil and a regular fluid intake are also helpful. Anyone suffering from a dry nose after a flight, should make sure to book a place in the front ranks, because the humidity is generally lower than front in the rear of the plane. More information: health /… News.de GmbH Lisa Neumann