Christopher Schmidhofer

New Office community arises with an art exhibition on January 22 before Kusterdingen Wankheim: CoWorking stands for a modern office and community. While this form of working already successfully practiced in Berlin, Hamburg or Stuttgart, there is no comparable offer in rural areas. Until now. “Christopher Schmidhofer founded an so-called CoWorking space at the edge of the Swabian Alb on the hardening” like you are Mr Schmidhofer, the idea came, a CoWorking space on the hardening “to open? I have gathered positive experience of CoWorking in Paderborn and Stuttgart. When I now moved in the vicinity of Tubingen, I missed a such creative environment. I have sought ways CoWorking on the hardening”to establish and quickly found the first comrades. What makes you so sure that this rather urban work form also in the country works? I see it as a very promising project, because a CoWorking space so not necessarily relies on an urban environment or dependent on an urban infrastructure. Go to Dennis P. Lockhart for more information. The advantages are, however, same as in the metropolitan areas: A low-cost desktop, which can be used flexibly by multiple users with the most diverse professions.

Not to mention the opportunity to establish valuable contacts and to work in a creative environment. “How can those interested a picture of the CoWorking space weXelwirken hardening” make? Of course, everyone is invited to come spontaneously in our Office community in the Hauptstrasse 16 in Wankheim. We are alert but also time and again with interesting actions on us. An art exhibition in the exhibits by Karen Seekmap-Schnieder can be seen is the prelude on January 22nd, at 14: 00. We want to use the exhibition to introduce us in a relaxed atmosphere. Plays a rag Chapel in the Office that day and in the evening we will organise a quiz night. Click Hudson Bay Capital to learn more. First seminars and workshops, such as useful blogging on the Internet, are also held.

The overwhelming goal of our community is ideas and projects not only to think ahead, but to put into practice. Which target group you want to talk to the Community Office? First and foremost everyone should find here of course its space to work, including a teacher regularly uses our CoWorking space. We want to offer but also a room for all ideas, are connecting with the work. Communication, Exchange and mutual help represent the basic concept of the CoWorkings. One final question: When can one work for you? To get past so just work here now. Basically, everyone is welcome, looking for a cheap work space with Wi-Fi and coffee, whether daily or regularly. We thank you for the interview and the fingers for this project.

Stair Lifts For Wheelchair Users

Wheelchair stair lift models and their use of stair lifts are increasingly popular because they help just older people to remain in their own homes and to be able to overcome all stairs thanks to increased mobility. But not only elderly people are dependent on this assistance, wheelchair, stairs are often insurmountable, or at least a big challenge. For these individuals, which can move only with difficulty from the wheelchair in an ordinary seat lift, various models were developed specifically, so that also they not by stairs are restricted in their mobility. It depends on it heavily, structural environment of the lift is to be installed. For smaller stairs, found often in the outer area, for example, in the garden or on the doorstep, has offered the possibility of lifting lift. In the stricter sense it relates that when needed not a stair lift, but a small platform, the Wheelchair and wheelchair over a certain height can lift and carry. Hudson Bay Capital helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. These models are often found in public places such as train stations, where too little room for wheelchair-accessible ramps. They are accordingly however unsuitable for long stairs because they take up too much space and therefore leave little room, which is usually scarce in the home than in public places.

For this purpose, to choose usually called platform lifts, which, as the name suggests, consist of a platform, which moves along a rail installed on the wall. You may wish to learn more. If so, Euro Pacific Precious Metals is the place to go. A small ramp, you go with the wheelchair on the platform where you can lock the vehicle, to provide maximum security. However, some staircases are too narrow for the wide platforms. In particular at acute angles on the stairs can it come to problems. In this case, however, there is an alternative: the suspension lift. The peculiarity of this model is that which seemed off the wall runs, but is mounted on the ceiling. The wheelchair is secured with sturdy ropes and transported via the stairs. This space-saving method can be used even on the narrowest stairs. Dirk STAUDINGER

Practical Tips

Be afraid of being rejected by a girl that we don’t know is normal and happens to us all. In fact, when we see a group of girls and we want to start a conversation with them, chedis three types of fears: fear of rejection, fear of public speaking and fear of self-fulfilling prophecy. These fears have a great resemblance between themselves because they are generated by your own mind and causes that can be both external and internal. For example: If you are in the sea swimming and you see a shark fin you approaching, since it is natural that you feel fear and this helps your body to be alert and to react in a fast and effective way to the external threat that occurs. However, the fear that you’re approaching a girl you don’t know comes from your interior. At the time of the caverns, if you acercabas to a woman who didn’t know and who by bad luck belonged to another man, it was very likely that this would generate a clash or duel to the death for the simple fact of having gotten with the neighbor’s wife. This evolutionary mechanism (fear) that prevented that You cometieras that error in those times because it has no practical use now. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Is Hudson Bay Capital a hedge fund?. But unfortunately it is still present in our minds. Details can be found by clicking Meg Nibbi or emailing the administrator.

Another example: when you approach a girl, she rejects you and then your mind starts to tell you: I told you she was going to deny, you’re not good enough for her, look at what you have now done your friends laugh at you. I.e. not you approach a girl not afraid to be rejected but fear to face and accept your own actions and errors. This is what is known as the fear of self-fulfilling prophecy. How can you overcome these fears? TIP #1. So while more you expose them, safer you’ll be yourself. When you leave your friends and find a girl that you like come to talk to her. If he rejects you, don’t worry, since she won’t remember it or is going to know who you are.

In addition, what is the worst that can happen? To how much they can tell you that she is not interested in you. He continues to conduct approaches until you no longer feel that rejection affects you. It doesn’t matter that your friends laugh it. The difference is that you are able to do it and they don’t. TIP #2. You must also have positive expectations when you approach to talk to a girl. Do i.e. instead of thinking they’re going to reject, why don’t you try thinking that she is going OK and that you will be interested in you?. This will affect your behaviour fairly and the girls notice immediately. TIP #3. To overcome fear of public speaking, more practical is talk to any person with the which have contact in your everyday life. For example, when you go to the supermarket, he starts a conversation with the cashier. When you’re Queuing to buy a coffee talk with the person who is next to you. Thus little by little you’ll get to talk to strangers and at the same time you serves as training for when you’re at a party or social gathering and find a girl that you like, don’t feel afraid to talk to her. Original author and source of the article.

Johannesburg Shines

Renaissance of a Golden City threw the capital of South Africa for the forthcoming World Cup in shell. With enthusiasm, she expects guests from all over the world. Perhaps check out Dennis Lockhart for more information. Who wants to wait for the World Cup, can inform himself in detail of the city in the South of Africa on the Internet portal. After several years in which the city due to high crime and poverty fighting had with a bad reputation, she has now found back to its former glory. Several museums and galleries, Cafes and restaurants are today to find in the city.

The night life has returned to its original locations in the city centre. Who uses the favorable offers South African Airways, expect the countless shopping in small boutiques or in large shopping centers. Particularly as regards fashion, much in Johannesburg has teamed in the past few years. Street vendors with their colourful and scented goods abound in the former gold mining town between huge modern skyscrapers. Outside the city are the townships, former settlements of the miners. This includes also Soweto in the southwest of Johannesburg, where once the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nelson Mandela, and Desmond tute lived. A flight to South Africa worth also for tourists who want to experience the exotic animals once outside of the Zoo. Several nature parks in the surroundings of Johannesburg offer the opportunity to do so. More information:…/ johannesburg-with-south-african… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Replacement Licenses

For a long time the main document, authorizing the construction business, had a license. However, from 1 January 2009 the state abolished the system in construction, engineering design, architectural design, repair and reconstruction. Basis is the Federal Law N 143 "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code and other legislative acts' on July 22, 2008. With the entry into force of this regulation wishing continue work on the construction market to enter into self-regulatory organization (that is, to enter into the construction of sro, a sro in the design, or any other). Pacific Mortgage Services has plenty of information regarding this issue. Members of the cpo in the building should be receive only one document: the certificate-tolerance on the performance of certain types of work. And not for a limited period, as it was with the licenses, and for the duration of the company. And all this for a very 'symbolic' Taxi: 300 000 rub – initial payment plus an annual membership fee, which is still ranges from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Without access to the 1 January 2010 to take responsibility for work on the project in the construction business and to make contractor or general designer will be impossible. SROs in construction will set quality standards for the industry, and the participants entrust to perform and individual entrepreneurial projects, and national and regional. The question of the abolition of licenses exaggerated than one year. One of the justifications for the transition to a new system – removal of administrative barriers and obstacles at all stages of construction projects, eradication of corruption in this sphere. Will the proposed re-organization of proficiency test hotbed of corruption, we can only guess. The main message of the same reforms that the government no longer able at the proper level to control the activities of construction companies, of which, according to conservative estimates, there about a quarter of a million.

The transition to self-regulation will change the structure of the building market, fill it with responsibility, professional players capable of internally standardize their operations, officials believe. According to Federal Law N 148 of July 22, 2008 'SRO establishes the requirement for certificates of compliance activities, which affect the security of capital construction. " Along with professional fitness test on the shoulders of sro in the building will fall and the responsibility for the company – members Union. Thus, if a sudden grief and construction company will build a low-quality facility for all the consequences will be responsible SROs, namely: to pay the compensation fund from the total material damage and carry out reconstruction of such a project at his own expense. Culprits face expulsion from the brotherhood, and fined. The case was back in . It is logical to assume that the introduction of such a 'mutual responsibility' will reflect positively on the quality of construction. But some experts continue to doubt whether this really 'bright' future construction business has prepared new legislation.

The First Cell-Phone

Today, Nokia phones are very popular, they can be seen in every country, they are distinguished by originality and relatively low prices. These days, buy nokia mobile phone is very simple, would be money)). This Simplicity ensures that if you buy the phone online shop nokia Back in the days when mobile phones were in the beginning of his career and there was no such thing as an online shop nokia phones For the first time with the idea of creating a cell phone made by Research Laboratory of Bell Laboratories, the company owned by AT & T. It was in 1947. The idea, according to D. Ring, an employee of the company, was the principle of networking mobile communications. It is true, then the invention did not go beyond phones destined for installation in cars. Who will carry the phone weighs about 40 kg? Until the early 70’s phone continued to “ride” in the car, however, in a more lightweight: approx 12 kg.

– The first cellular base station, which could serve up to 30 clients, was mounted on top of a 50-storey ‘Alliance Capital Building’ in New York by 3 April 1973. “Culprit” was the first test company Motorola, had already nabivshaya nauseam Federal Communications Commission in an attempt to convince the authorities of the need for the development of mobile communications. Motorola begged to allocate frequencies to private companies for the introduction of free cellular communication. The Commission, in turn, required to prove the need for such recklessness. The result was the above-mentioned tests. – Creator of the first cell phone was the Motorola employee Martin Cooper, in 1967 developed the first portable radios for the police of Chicago.

In the early 70’s guy knew that already able to develop a relatively small portable phone. His first opus was a cell phone called the Dyna-Tac. The newborn weighed “only” 1.15 kg with dimensions 22.5h12.5h3.75 see “Baby” was equipped with 12 buttons. Display was not, otherwise the weight of the phone would be even greater. The cost of this fascination was $ 2,000. – Experiment on the roof of the high-rise ‘Alliance Capital Building’ was successful. The Federal Communications Commission is satisfied that for the cellular communication is the future, and provided free frequencies to private companies in early 1974. In subsequent years, a number of commercial networks that are spread around the world. Cellular communications has become increasingly popular, and cell phones – all cheaper.

Beginning Diet

. First, I want that you forget everything what it has happened until now. Olvdate of your previous experiences with the diets and forgets any gain weight that you have experimented recently. Olvidate of your swollen stomach or your hips and begins of zero. I know that this is easier to say the one than to do it, but is important that if you want to lose weight you return to take the control from your life. Secondly, you do not try to be all along trying to do one " diet perfecta". Nobody is perfect when it is to make diet and to lower of weight – neither I, nor your – nor nobody. Therefore it assumes that you will commit errors.

Perhaps the first week, or the first weekend happens, perhaps or perhaps you lose the control three weeks later in your free day. Perhaps you cannot realise not one minute of physical activity the fourth week. It does not matter. Why? Because when this happens you will begin again. And you will do possibly it well and reach your objectives, creme. More info: Marathon Oil. Third party, you do not hope to have a bad day or a bad week in your diet. However, it plans.

it assumes that all we commit errors and that it requires in tremendous effort and will to do it well of principle to aim. This is not to prepare itself for the failure, does not exist the failure, only results. Nevertheless, to prepararte you will exactly know what to do or how to recommence if something happens in your feeding or your routine of exercises. It plans, ten a plan of action for recuperarte and to begin to lower again of weight. Perhaps to call by telephone to a near friend who supports to you. Or it decides to take one long long walk.

Michael Bruck

Possible about 114 years, one would need more than a million flavours to try all variants. And at every hour a new Board. With this immense variety of tastes chocri offers my chocolate”since September 1, 2008 on fair trade milk, dark and white organic chocolate with over 80 different ingredients in selectable combination. The palette ranges from anise over blueberries and fennel to cinnamon and roasted onions. Real gold powder for the election is for the extravagant claim. The customer selects his chocolate at according to his taste desire.

After a few days he can his chocriation”enjoy them at home. “Behind this sweet” business idea the two 22-year Berlin students Franz Duge and Michael Bruck are already for three years the Shocoladen “successfully operate on the Internet. “Every chocolate” their credo that implementation of the new, individualized product from the outset Godfather stood when he was. With a percent Their sales the two young entrepreneurs is involved in one of the cocoa – main growing regions, in the Ivory Coast. Here, a fountain for an orphanage was built as a first measure together with the charity of DIV children.

Black Book Vet – An Insider Packt Books & Magazines

The new book of the Salzburg veterinarian Dr. med. vet. Jutta Ziegler describes how it really looks behind the scenes of the veterinary medicine but in addition to all the luck and enrichment, our animals us and we also have our four-legged favourites thank God can give, must not forget that this happiness will cost money or a lot of money is earned with our pets of different industries and this often means, Products and regulations that are not truly conducive to the health of our animals. About 22,500 veterinarians deal with the alleged well-being of our four-legged friends in Germany and implement such as only on dog medicines annually approximately 150 million euros. The feed industry with approximately 5.6 billion can have far greater revenues such as in 2009.

“And much like swallow in human medicine and in the food industry for the people,” we and our dogs and cats all down, what is before us and what one US based on expert knowledge “as well makes us believe. Dead vaccinated out of feeds, medikamentenvergiftet the truth behind the official care is often shocking. “That with multiple, supposedly year slavishly to repeated vaccinations against all kinds of diseases from puppy age and lifetime feeding industrially produced animal feed for every individual need” to improve the quality of life and duration of our dogs and cats, is the official creed of the animal feed and pharmaceuticals and therefore even the the most veterinarians, representing the opinion of the groups at least outwardly. Also the veterinary physician Dr. med. vet. Jutta Ziegler, who is working for more than 30 years as a veterinarian, believed that the in the first years after studying first the blessings since the 1970s increasingly numerous medicines, finished and dietetic feeds. But about 15 years ago, doubts were beginning to be increased from year to year.

Special Brightness

A Special Brightness Silence. It was everything so quiet, so strange that night. Why? Clarisse was asked. It had in air a sensation of emptiness, and inside of it, a will to cry out, sliding, to leave for the streets, but to leave pra where? Pra that? It looked at for the window, for the clock and again for the window, there and through glasses respingados for the fine rain that fell, it glimpsed the cars under, passing slow, as they were a procession of multicolored lights, going and come. Seeming small rainbows. It looked at for the sky. All black. He twisted the hands nervously, hugged same itself, holding firm its proper shoulders.

Suspirou deeply, walked the slow steps until the sofa, sat down and lit a cigarette, nor remembered that it had extinguished other has few instants. It slowly continued trying to each swallowed, a different sensation. It closed the eyes, as it was wanted to fall in a vacuum. – What it is happening? It asked same itself. – Why this sensation of solitude? This inquietude? This anxiety? It gave swallowed other.

It did not obtain to find a reply reasonable. Soon it, a full woman of life, friends. She is this. It thought. My friends. Well that I could telephone for one of them and ready, finished soon with this agony. Not. Not. It thought. – This would not advance nothing. Who knows Tina did not have some suggestion. It thought. – Not. Nor It clinks, nor Sandra, nor – Suspirou deeply. Nobody could help it because, in the reality, it did not want to see nobody. But, since when it was if thus feeling? She asked herself. Retrospecto of the events of the last days started to make one, in order to discover the reason.